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Blog - March 7, 2017

Acquisition of Audiotex

Sound of Data has acquired the Dutch voice response services company Audiotex Nederland BV and successfully completed the technical migration of its client portfolio. Audiotex had been active in the Dutch market for over 30 years, facilitating inbound voice solutions and various interactive services for a great diversity of Dutch enterprises.

Sound of Data acquires Audiotex h

Future growth

Pieter van Hoof, Sound of Data: “This transaction adds a new perspective which brings Sound of Data great new potential for growth. The complexity of the customized solutions that Audiotex offers its clients, and the business in which they operate, fits particularly well with our portfolio. We are very pleased with the successful completion, which is the culmination of a process that lasted several months.”

Richard de Bruin, Audiotex: “In Sound of Data we have found the right party. We trust the clients of Audiotex are in the right hands.”

Parties have not publicly disclosed the financial details of this transaction.