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Do you want to easily reply to interactions via different channels and log them in a clear ticketing tool? Freshdesk provides an effective solution. You can also combine Freshdesk with BYOC and/or conversational add-ons.

Easily manage tickets

With their ticketing tool you prioritize, categorize and assign tickets to the right customer service agent and use the know-how of your entire company to impress your customers.

Productive and efficient

With the help of Freshdesk, your customer service agents are more productive and customer questions are answered faster. With this ticketing tool, agents can easily keep track of all tickets and work with their team to efficiently resolve customer requests.

Easy to integrate

Freshdesk can be used as a stand-alone tool, but can also be integrated with omnichannel platforms such as 3CX, Xcally and Talkdesk. This way you give your ticketing a boost without having to switch to another platform.

Get more out of Freshdesk with BYOC

Are you already working with Freshdesk, but running into limitations in terms of international phone number availability? Solve this problem by combining Freshdesk with Sound of Data’s BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier). This provides advantages such as cheaper calling, improved sound quality, improved accessibility at all destinations and the support of a Dutch team.

And with conversational add-ons

Sound of Data’s conversational add-ons also integrate well with Freshdesk. This enables customer service to organize their voice channels more efficiently for processes like identification, deflection and initiation. Conversational AI makes (chat)bots smarter and more extensive. And by using contextual communication, you make the work of agents easier and more efficient.

Want to find out more about Freshdesk?