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Webinar Click-to-Call with Talk!

Want to discover a smarter approach to calling customer service? Sign up for our May webinars and find out how to seamlessly embed the voice channel in an immersive online experience.

Webinar click-to-call with Talk May 2020

Smart approach to calling

This smarter approach helps your customer seamlessly move from navigating your site to calling customer service. Without changing devices and having to dial a phone number. In a way that easily allows you to draw your customers’ attention to a special offer or a customer satisfaction survey. And that helps you gather a lot more insight into customer experience because of your web statistics.

Introducing Talk

Talk is a click-to-call button that you can easily publish on your website/online store, in your app or newsletter. Customers simply click the button and set up live voice calls with customer service. Without actively dialing a phone number. It works on any device that’s connected to the internet. Calls are delivered to your agents in the same way as regular telephone calls. No difference whatsoever.

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