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Migrating your contact center to the cloud; what to keep an eye on?

Working from the cloud has gained momentum in recent years. Also in contact centers. Makes sense, because it comes with several advantages. But the migration makes many companies hesitant. How do you make sure this runs as smoothly as possible?

Cloud benefits

More and more contact centers are switching from working on-premise to cloud customer contact platforms because of the advantages. Working from the cloud saves time and money, these platforms often provide better overview and insight and they enable employees to work independently of time and place more easily. It also frees you from updating software and tying together different systems.


Phone first

If you know you want to switch to the cloud, the first step is to determine whether your current telephone exchange is still sufficient. If the exchange needs to be replaced or upgraded, it is better to determine how you will handle this first. Some platforms for example include a cloud telephone exchange that integrates telephony directly.

Choose what suits you

The next step is to figure out which platform best suits your organization. Omnichannel customer service platforms come in all shapes and sizes. Determine in advance which conditions your platform must meet by answering the following questions:


What's your budget?

What do you need?

Should telephony be integrated?

How easy do you want to be able to scale up?

What data do you store and for how long (GDPR)?

For an explanation of these questions

Availability of telephone numbers

When switching to a cloud platform, porting your customer service numbers may also be necessary. This depends on where your numbers are currently active. If you want your cloud provider to manage your numbers, make sure you know if they provide full availability of customer service phone numbers in every country in the world and if you can take your numbers with you when you want to switch to another platform later. This is not always the case.


BYOC through an independent supplier

You can easily solve these problems by working with an independent supplier for the management of your phone numbers and linking the numbers to your platform via BYOC. With BYOC you connect a SIP trunk to your cloud platform. Every international service number can be linked and it works for both inbound and outbound telephony. BYOC provides various benefits such as worldwide termination without restrictions, reduction of telephony costs, you no longer have to deal with complicated porting and it makes it easier to scale up and down and grow internationally.


Do it yourself or outsource

With the right knowledge and experience, migrations to the cloud can be done without downtime. Do you doubt whether your people can handle this? Let us be your guide in the world of (cloud) communication platforms so you know you’re making the right choice. We can also support your team with the migration or completely take care of it. This way you’re  sure that nothing is forgotten and everything is done in the right order. Without downtime.

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