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Conversational AI

There are plenty of options for customers to get in touch with your company. But is this the most suitable option? Don't you want a solution that is completely digitized but also feels personal?

Wat is Voice AI?

Telephony and video calling are the voice channels. Here you have 1-to-1 personal contact because you hear and/or see each other. Social media, live chat, chatbots and e-mail are written channels. Here all interactions take place in written form. Less personal, but convenient because it can be done faster in between.

As a company, you want to offer both types of channels, in whatever form, priority and accessibility. This contributes to the image of your brand. Sound of Data partners with Seamly, which offers the conversational interface in your contact center.

What is Seamly?

Seamly is a conversational Interface that can be implemented in your customer center platform.

Where your customer can call someone who instinctively looks like a human, they are actually speaking to a chatbot that looks up what the customer needs in the knowledge base and answers the call quickly and efficiently. Automatic voice translation is even possible, giving the customer the optimal user experience!

Automate with voice AI from Seamly contact us to see if this fits your business

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