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What we think

Companies and consumers like to search and buy online. But when things get urgent or more complex, they want to speak to someone. Pick up the telephone for direct contact. Optimize your customer service and interactions. On any channel, worldwide. Automated when possible, personal if it should be.

Distinguish from competitors

Studies show that consumers prefer human contact over contact through other channels, such as email, app, chatbot, and live chat. 79% of consumers seek direct contact with customer service, by phone or through store visits. As products or services are increasingly interchangeable, brands can distinguish themselves by providing optimal telephone customer service from their competitors who don’t.

Distinguish from competitors

Omnichannel solutions

It’s important to integrate the various customer service channels in an omnichannel platform so you can deliver continuous quality. You want to be present on the channels where your customers are. The preferred channel often varies per product, type of question and matter of urgency. Is it a simple non-urgent question, then a digital and/or automated channel will do. Personal contact is often preferred when a matter is urgent or complex.

omnichannel solutions

Voice is key to sustainable success

We therefore believe that the customer contact mix ideally consists of a combination of automated, digital and personal channels. By automating where possible and being personal where necessary, you can create an optimal customer experience. After all, no one wants to be left hanging on the line endlessly or hear a busy tone. Excellent customer service is critical to your company’s customer satisfaction and reputation. Good customer service seduces and leads to more sales and loyal customers. Voice is the key to sustainable success.

Sustainable success

Increasing cross-border activities

Companies and brands more and more think and grow beyond language and country borders. We arrange customer service connectivity for companies anywhere in the world. As a one-stop-shop for global inbound voice solutions for customer service. From obtaining foreign service numbers, smart routing of incoming telephone traffic, absorbing spikes to the possibility of managing telephone traffic via our My Sound of Data portal. We work with local carriers and providers of customer service platforms in different countries and connect all providers and platforms as an independent party.

cross-border activities

In the cloud

Cloud platforms are increasingly used for company’s and brands’ important business processes, including communication platforms. We act as an independent integrator to ensure smooth implementation and continuous optimization. We know the full spectrum and offer smart custom solutions where the standard is not sufficient. This leads to more effective use of platforms, a better business case, and a better overview of the entire chain.

in the cloud

Continuous innovation

At Sound of Data, we continuously innovate to serve brands and consumers optimally. We mix automation and personal contact with innovations such as Talk and conversational AI. Talk is a click-and-call solution that integrates customer service into the online customer journey. Conversational AI enables you to apply automation without losing the human touch. Such innovations drive us. And this is how we remain your partner in customer service connectivity.

continuous innovation
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